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There's two mainly artists named "Gall". 1. Powerviolence/noise/hardcore band from Potsdam, Germany. 2. Neo-prog rock from Poland, Lukasz Gall (better known from Millenium & Moonrise). Read more on …read full bio
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displaying only the last 75 shows

  • 1
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  • $upport touring bands <3 ! NO JERKS
    • bunker
    • Friday, 1/17/2020 AA
    • 9 | $Donations
    • 1
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  • "impending" - all things move toward their end
    • 1
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  • benefit show for call to safety!
    • the waypost
    • Wednesday, 6/21/2017 21+
    • 8pm | $5 donation
    • 1
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  • Bay º is an art gallery and this performance will take place…more
    • bay º
    • Friday, 3/3/2017 AA
    • 8:30pm | $free
    • 2
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  • afru first friday santa edition -> santa vs santa boxing match…more
    • 0
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  • The 5th Annual KPSU Kruise! Hosted By Portland's King Of Late…more
    • the portland spirit
    • Friday, 4/29/2016 21+
    • 10PM Boarding 11-1 Show | $15 General, 10$ With PSU ID
    • 5
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  • Port City Development Center and ProjectGrow announce our annual…more
    • 3
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  • 'THE ART OF WALT DISNEY': Interpretations from the Disney…more
    • 1
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  • a benefit for doug fir sound engineer extraordinaire mick learn
    • doug fir
    • Monday, 9/7/2015 21+
    • 6pm | $5-25
    • 3
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    • the know
    • Wednesday, 8/19/2015 21+
    • 8pm | $n/a
    • 4
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  • Turn Turn Turn Friday July 3rd 2015 8pm 8 NE…more
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    Jul 29 2008 0
    posted in: info

    PC-PDX : Updated and Redesigned!

    We've done a lot of work and hope you like the updates.. We still have a lot of ideas that we didn't get to put up yet - we wanted to get out this version now.. The Photo Gallery has been revamped to better suit the Show-Guide, it's up right now but not completely finished yet.. While you can search the photo sets right now, we have plans for all individual photos to be taggable by users, commentable and have photo links like photobucket.

    Check out the full article

    Arya Imig
    Aug 22 2008 3
    posted in: info

    Final Edition of The Newspapers

    One year and three days after releasing their debut E.P. and two months after releasing their second, NEWSPAPERS have announced that their last show will be this Saturday at Neverland Ranch on SE 49 and Powell.. I first met Billy Webb on March 10, 2007 at the Pink House in S.E. --- a show I had set up with Narwhal vs.. Narwhal, Hurah Hurah and Eskimo & Sons.. It was the day everybody met everybody.

    Check out the full article

    Sep 15 2008 1
    posted in: info

    100th photoset posted on the Show-Guide

    We've just posted 5 photosets in the last few days.. Two new sets from the weekend and three old sets that aparrently we forgot to post.. With Saturday nights show at Negative Cook st., our Gallery photoset count comes to a grand total of 100 now!. Click the pics and check out the Gallery to view the full photosets. toxic narcotic | bill bondsmen (detroit usa) | defect defect | salted city | ripper @ Negative Cook st. [Sept. 13] Red Dons @ Laughing Horse [Sept. 12th] Taxpayers @ the Ivy House [May 29th] the Red Dons @ The Coop [May 30th] the Revisions BBQ @ The Coop [May 25th]

    Check out the full article

    Oct 11 2008 5
    posted in: info

    Kickball is a game-- and a it's a band, too.

    As y'all probably know, this show was at the Coop this Saturday, (that's Aug 10th, BTW). We got there late, and kickball was the only band I got to shoot pictures of.. It was packed.. Like, SUPER packed.. Like, 'in the event of a fire we are all gonna die, guys' PACKED.

    Check out the full article

    The Coop
    Oct 13 2008 0
    posted in: info

    KickBall + Sound Judgment Fest Reviews - A Weekend At The Coop.

    This last weekend has been an amazing few days at The Coop.. Friday nights show was one of the coolest, and somehow smoothest house shows we've ever done.. It was a feature in both the Mercury and the WillieWeek which was a bit worrisome.. The last time that happened we had to repaint the bathroom because of asshole taggers.

    Check out the full article

    Oct 14 2008 1
    posted in: info

    All Ages Art Space Rererato Is Closing It's Doors

    East Coast transplants Adam and Stephanie have made a nice niche for art in Portland with Rererato since it's inception in early 2007.. With a last few great shows in just a few weeks, Rererato will be packing up and shutting it's doors for good.. This All-Ages venue has been so much more than just music.. While it's been the anchor in KPSU's Experimental Music Series and key in the Experimental + Noise scene over the last year, they've also hosted everything from puppet shows, art galleries and television shows.

    Check out the full article

    Nov 18 2008 1
    posted in: comment

    Weekend With the So So Glos

    I hope you caught The So So Glos this last weekend because it was -amazing-! I have to say without a doubt, that Saturday's show at The Coop was the most incredable show i've ever seen.. Two of my favorite bands, The Taxpayers and the So So Glos just killed it.. It was great because i've never been worried about The Taxpayers being able to keep up with any of the other bands...somebody needed to give those boys a challenge!. I could definately tell there was a strong fire in Rob Taxpayers eyes to bring it after that incredable SSG set.

    Check out the full article

    Feb 12 2009 0
    posted in: video

    The Taxpayers Video - CD Release Show Live @ Dunes

    Los Moustachios were kind enough to have filmed The Taxpayers set at Dunes for their "A Rhythm in the Cages" release show.. Stag Bitten and Total Bros also played that night.. Both bands owned it.Los Moustachios also just launched their new site, stop by to check it out.. Check out the links from the bands at the Dunes show: Los Moustachios Stag Bitten Total Bros The Taxpayers

    Check out the full article

    Apr 07 2009 0
    posted in: photoblog

    Live at the Blood Bank: April 4th

    Our friend Natalie sent some pictures of the April 4th show @ the Blood Bank. "the photos are of larians and bird announced land. i suck, so i didnt get any shots of church." Well, we think she far from sucks and give mass-snaps for sharing these great shots. -Thanks Natalie!

    Check out the full article

    Apr 12 2009 6
    posted in: comment

    Bear Feet : Portland's Best New Band

    Playing their first public show, these six kids packed the Coop with a horde of friends and pretty much shook the place to the ground.. Bear Feet brings fresh flavor - straight from the 30's.. These teenagers offer a sort of Ragtime Americana Stand-Up Bass, delicious Jug-band jazz that's thick brewed in 80 year old styles.Lovely twin vocals from the lovely Taylor and Elena run reminiscent of all that's good from the Ditty Bops.. With two members coming from the defunct thrash band Tibetan Beef Garden, the male half of the string section shows amazing diversity in their talent.

    Check out the full article

    Arya Imig
    Jul 14 2009 4
    posted in: comment

    Arya Imig: What I'll remember About The Coop

    White Fang moves the crowd @ Sound Judgment festival II Time it was, and what a time it was, it was A time of innocence, a time of confidences Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph Preserve your memories, they're all that's left you        - Simon and Garfunkel It's the kind of loss that hits you suddenly even if you should have expected it.. It was inevitable, as most loss is, but it is no less heartbreaking. 17 months after The Coop took over for Brainstains, there will no longer be shows at that address that's been repeated so many times over the last few years: 3535 N.. Lombard.. I, for one, will very dearly miss seeing bands in the space that occupied that address.

    Check out the full article

    Notorious Kelly
    Nov 23 2009 27
    posted in: open-mic

    The Ultimate Open Mic List for Oregon and Vancouver

    You've got a song, a poem, a joke, or something - we wanna HEAR it!A skit, an act, part of a movie or play that you like - we wanna SEE it!No matter what you've got, there's a place on this list to PERFORM it!I promise we will applaud no matter what.. May lead to bigger things: paying gigs,collaborations with other artists - who KNOWS?!?Maybe you're not a performer, but just want to witness some of the most creative,intelligent and beautiful people on the planet.Well, without an audience, it's just rehearsal.. It isn't a show without YOU!Come be a part of it!Open mics and jams come and go regularly, so it's a good idea to call and confirmdetails before attending one for the first time.. Please let me know of any additions/deletions/corrections.Now - COME SHOW US YOUR STUFF!(Open Mic tips at the end)ALL AGES Open Mics in Portland 21+ OPEN MICS ARE BELOW THESE as well as OutsidePortland and Non-weekly listingsMONDAYTwin Paradox coffee house 8609 SE 17th Ave Sellwood (503) 232-8202 sign up 6:45pm Show 7 pm Intimate neighborhood gathering.

    Check out the full article

    Jul 02 2010 1
    posted in: info

    Final weekend of the old PC-PDX!

    hi all,It's been a long time coming... almost an embarrassingly long time.I started talking about it around this time last year.. The earliest date that i can recall where i said we'd launch was to be New Years day, some of you may been able to nail it on a earlier date than that.ALL said and done, here in internet ink,THE NEW VERSION OF THE SHOW-GUIDE WILL LAUNCH OVER THE 4TH OF JULY WEEKEND!It's looking pretty great, i'm not going to lie - we're very excited to get the new version published and have you guys use it!WHAT'S NEW:Maps and Membership and more!SPEED:The current version in the past few weeks/months has often been slow, sometimes just gone non-responsive (ouch!). The site has been almost completely recoded - it's all 99% fresh to be able to handle to ~15 page views the site is averaging EVERY SECOND.Membership Features!If you happened to have signed up for the current implementation of Membership on pc-pdx, i'm sure you're deeply disappointed.. RURL SORR about that!. Subscribe and Track your Bands/Artists + places:Be alerted, even emailed when your subscriptions have new shows.Save shows to a custom list.Show Tags! -"being able to tag shows by genre would be pretty sweet so people into particular kinds of music could search for shows that way -name"this is the most requested feature of all time and it's finally here.

    Check out the full article

    Jul 22 2010 1
    posted in: info

    Not So Well Planned: Plan B in the Pearl.

    I just came across an interesting blog post that mentions there's a new gallery opening up in the Pearl District.. Right, me neither, BUT - i bring this up because the name of this gallery happens to be "PLAN B".Right, Plan B, it's on everyone's list of favorite punk/metal/thrash bars.. The article on the new Pearl District delight starts "WELL-PLANNED"... nope.. No it wasn't.I can't find any more info on this place except for this one post:, but i'm sure if it's all real - it means that people googling this "plan b" gallery are going to end up at a grimey punk bar.**Terrified yuppies for the win.**ps... don't get me wrong, art shows can be cool too - take this interesting twist for example: Punk Rock + Art Show @ Slabtown

    Check out the full article

    Oct 11 2010 8
    posted in: info

    FU: The best ALL AGES venue in portland - it's new, it's the Factory Underground

    Let's start with the bad : they're north.. Wicked North.Everything else at the Factory Underground is pandas and puppies and fireworks and punk rock rainbows - this place is awesome.. Bands, coffee, cute girls running an art gallery that doesn't suck (really -it doesn't suck!), a half-pipe(?!),I grew up in small towns(s) midwest and if we weren't getting kicked out of wall-mart (the intercom is [*]+[0]+[3] by-the-way), we were sitting at Denny's, chain smoking, drinking coffee and talking about opening up the coolest place in the universe...some sort of punk rock coffee shop with half-pipes and all of our favorite bands.. It's pretty crazy just how closely the Factory Underground resembles everything i ever wanted out of being a trapped in teenager in the boring ass madwest.

    Check out the full article

    Jun 27 2011 5
    posted in: warning

    We Fucked-Up and Deleted ALL The Flyers...

    Yep, it's true!All 19,637 flyers went kaputznik and made a super bye-bye action with no recycle bin love of any kind.I am uber careful and paranoid of these things and still manage to pull an epic maneuver like this about once a year. -Last year whilst working on a client site, i deleted the entire four-year calendar set for *two* site for the Solano County Library.. YEAH BUDDY.Yep, So - where we're at now is that i quickly dropped $43 to get some magic (Slingblade)"Should'nta done that boy" software so as i can try to get back the deleted info off the hard drive. -IT was a half win.. I think we got back most of the files but there seems to be an issue where the files that came back did so with different data or whatever : The file names no longer match the actual show info they should contain so SHIT IS BANANANANAS all over the site right now.I have since found a version of the flyers folder in our old svn repo from about 6-weeks ago when we made some reconfiguration changes.. I, in all my awesomeness, didn't get these two flyer related folders back into svn sync (because we're virtualizing the directories to share the data with other sites, NERD stuff..) and totally blew the gun in the face.It's okay though.

    Check out the full article

    Dec 17 2012 1
    posted in: info

    SAVE BACKSPACE! throw down for a bad ass ALL-AGES venue.

    we jacked the following from and suggest that you go there and make a donation or, if you personally can't, tell a friend who can afford to make a donation and save one of portlands last ALL-AGES music venues and all-around baddass space!Backspace is in Trouble.Regardless of the role Backspace plays, and that Backspace would like to continue to give to the people of Portland, we have basically been told by the landlord that if we can't come up with $10,000, by the 1st of January, that we will be thrown out.. This means we would no longer be able to play a pivotal role in being a community space for the people of Portland.. We wouldn't be able to house benefits for local non-profits.. We wouldn't be able to give bands an all-ages venue to play in.

    Check out the full article

    useless facts

    63 upcoming shows @ 26 different spots

    53 upcoming shows with flyers

    9 ALL AGES shows!

    Find shows, photos, blogs
    Jake @azoth [May 31, 2024] » Microtonal rock, prog, and post-punk tonight at Azoth! The Mercury Tree, Rainbow Face, and Artifacts of Fiction tear it up
    -5/31/2024 10:18:46 AM
    Twobuck40 What's the deal with Speeds Autobody?
    -5/18/2024 8:57:27 AM
    Jake @turn turn turn [May 18, 2024] » Big prog show this Saturday at Turn Turn Turn with Moon Letters all the way from Seattle!
    -5/13/2024 9:35:35 AM
    Cranefist Ride or die slow rollerz // take the lane ¤ ¤ ¤ Let's gig!!! ¤ @cranefistridersclub
    -5/10/2024 5:26:59 AM
    Domersi We sure want to see more of his music in our State of Arkansas.
    -5/5/2024 4:12:39 PM
    lesamonster I was told to "ask a punk" about the @dollarsignstheband show on June 18th. If you see something, say something. :)
    -4/30/2024 9:54:57 AM
    Andrew @misdemeanor meadows [May 23, 2024] »
    -4/27/2024 10:58:27 AM
    NASALROD (Album Release!) + DIVERS + THE MISTONS - SAT MAY 4TH! @polaris hall [May 04, 2024] » Nasalrod is verrry excited to play w/DIVERS & THE MISTONS for our ALBUM RELEASE show at Polaris Hall on SAT, MAY the 4th!! It'll be a Polaris DEBUT for all three bands!!! See you there. -Nasalrod
    -4/19/2024 10:58:59 AM
    Valusint @revolution hall [Apr 11, 2024] » Portland-based composer/musician Alicia Jo Rabins joins sonic forces with 130 singers from the award-winning Camas High School Choir, a trio of top-tier rock musicians, and the vaunted Third Angle New Music string trio for the dynamic world premiere of I Was A Desert: Songs of the Matriarchs. ¤ ¤ I…read the full comment
    -4/6/2024 2:08:29 PM
    Flyer Escape Another place to send flyers to - HTTPS://FLYERESCAPE.DAD ¤ EMAIL SHOWS@FLYERESCAPE.DAD with images of your show flyers, and info too!
    -4/1/2024 10:31:46 PM
    Jake Math, Experimental, Prog Rock! Rainbow Face, The Vardaman Ensemble, and Library Studies play Lollipop Shoppe on Sunday April 14!
    -4/1/2024 2:24:31 PM
    televod @firkin tavern, the [Mar 22, 2024] » DOORS 7:00 / MUSIC 8:00PM
    -3/19/2024 2:43:19 PM
    NASALROD (ALBUM RELEASE & DEBUT AT POLARIS!) + SECRET SPECIAL GUEST (TBA 2 WEEKS BEFORE SHOW!) + THE MISTONS - SAT MAY 4TH! @polaris hall [May 04, 2024] » All 3 bands will make their DEBUT appearance @ POLARIS HALL for this! It's the official release show for Nasalrod's new album, with Sean Croghan's incredible band THE MISTONS! PLUS!! A secret special guest (one of our verrry favorite pdx bands) will be announced about 2 weeks before the show as well!! EARLY SHOW…read the full comment
    -3/13/2024 1:59:52 PM
    @bridge city sessions [Jan 21, 2024] » All ages hardcore show in SE
    -1/8/2024 7:48:56 AM
    NASALROD + TACOS! (members of HELMS ALEE & WILD POWWERS) + BLACK SHELTON - SAT FEB 3rd! @mississippi studios [Feb 03, 2024] » TACOS! (from Seattle) features Lupe from WILD POWWERS on drums & Hozi from HELMS ALEE on bass!
    -12/16/2023 3:30:26 PM
    NASALROD + TACOS! (members of HELMS ALEE & WILD POWWERS) + BLACK SHELTON - SAT FEB 3rd! @mississippi studios [Feb 03, 2024] » This will be EPIC AF!!! Nasalrod will headline MISSISSIPPI STUDIOS on SAT FEB 3rd, & TACOS! from Seattle will join us! Tacos! features Lupe from WILD POWWERS on drums & Hozi from HELMS ALEE (and Lozen) on bass! Plus the badass BLACK SHELTON AND THE AMERICAN DREAM will kick it off! EARLY SHOW w/doors at 7 and…read the full comment
    -12/16/2023 3:29:04 PM
    NASALROD + USNEA + F-SPACE + MOTRIK + SEA MOSS + RAILING! @green anchors @ 8940 n bradford st, portland, oreg [Nov 18, 2023] » The 'How to Destroy the Universe' fest is happening soon! SAT NOV 18th at the unique artist compound known as Green Anchors PDX! ALL AGES, and Bar with ID! Mark your calendars...Doors at 4, Music from 5-11pm. NASALROD will be closing out the fest, and we're honored to be a part of this kick-ass lineup of bands!…read the full comment
    -11/11/2023 11:51:30 AM
    Fuckin Boycott bands who make shirts! Stop wasting water and raping the earth!!! (A)//(E)
    -10/13/2023 12:23:43 AM
    Spo0l @star theater [Aug 27, 2023] » FB link: ¤
    -8/20/2023 2:09:42 PM
    Linda @misdemeanor meadows [Aug 01, 2023] » Dawn and Nils from Faun Fables were Sleepy time gorilla museum and Nils was the front man for Idiot flesh. ¤ Dustin Hammond is an indie singer songwriter for Run on Sentence ¤ It’s folk meets Americana meets some Gaelic witches in the woods and dance together.
    -7/20/2023 12:00:55 PM
    -7/10/2023 9:12:01 AM
    pc-pdx @dundee lodge, the [Jul 26, 2023] » artist list should go on the artist fields so they have links and all that other jazz. ¤ You have a lineup per day? ¤ Send it over and I can help get it posted
    -7/2/2023 7:13:53 AM
    KF @dundee lodge, the [Jul 26, 2023] » Wow,just look at this lineup: ¤ Abronia ¤ Alora Crucible ¤ Alum Occulta ¤ a smile full of ale ¤ Behalf ¤ Black Magdalene ¤ Black Tapestry ¤ CV ¤ Casual Violence ¤ Cradle of Judah ¤ Dahliad ¤ Darkwraith Covenant ¤ Datura Blues ¤…read the full comment
    -7/1/2023 10:41:42 PM
    -6/28/2023 2:30:06 PM @bridge city sessions studio [Jun 26, 2023] » 1440 SE Powell Blvd, Portland, OR 97202
    -6/21/2023 2:09:01 PM @bridge city sessions studio [Jun 26, 2023] » Indie show at Bridge City Sessions!
    -6/21/2023 2:05:40 PM
    THE CHAIR PROJECT (solo act of Chairman from Nasalrod): 7" Vinyl Release at DOUG FiR this SATURDAY! @doug fir [Jun 03, 2023] » Hey all! Chairman here from Nasalrod. I'm celebrating my first ever solo 7" vinyl record release on Saturday (June 3rd) at Doug Fir! I'll be kicking off the show at 9pm sharp under my solo moniker 'THE CHAIR PROJECT'. Gonna rip!
    -6/2/2023 12:48:06 PM
    Curt @shanghai tunnel [Jun 29, 2023] »
    -5/28/2023 5:14:06 PM
    fuck hardcore THE EXPLODING HEARTS (W/ TERRY SIX & FRIENDS). September 9th, 2023 @ Revolution Hall.
    -5/28/2023 11:34:30 AM
    Cici Kinda new in the area looking for a place that gets a little rowdy. any suggestions? ¤
    -5/22/2023 2:44:08 PM
    automatonflux This site has been and is still an excellent resource. You know what's punk? Being DIY. You want more shows on here, add them. The scene needs you to step the fuck up. I believe in us \m/
    -4/18/2023 4:36:24 PM
    🖕 Punk ers ded 🍆💥🍺👍🕸🐜👤🎂👣💣👀🐸🤳🍔🐝🐶
    -4/12/2023 9:48:17 AM
    sm shaking my headh buncha whiney babies in this chat box. Pc-pdx is a godsend and has been for more then a decade! Portland is the people who make it up: its you! Be the portland you wish to see.
    -4/9/2023 2:43:01 PM
    Jake Dark and experimental prog rock fan? Check out our show at Kelly's Olympian 4/14!
    -4/7/2023 10:59:24 AM
    🖕 All the punks left town because Portland sucks. Now only posers left in Portland. RIP real punks.
    -3/26/2023 5:21:42 PM
    Tyler @lay low tavern [Mar 11, 2023] » Melt your face in sound this Saturday!
    -3/9/2023 1:37:53 PM
    Mike Teal @six below midnight, the [Feb 25, 2023] » This will be a BLAST!!! Come on out and get your Rock on!!!
    -2/13/2023 12:59:57 PM
    Alex Fast Debut single out now! punk/post-punk/noise. Limited vinyl copies at the shows.
    -2/7/2023 10:05:26 AM
    pc-pdx @J - This site is alive as people want it to be since it's a WIKI that anybody can post to. ¤ ¤ The pandemic crushed everything in March 2020. I used to spend a few dozen hours per week (!) tracking shows and keeping the info updated but The Guide now has to rely on awesome homies like Schwartz/No Fun/ ++YOU++ to make use of the WIKI functionality to put the word out here. ¤ D.I.T. :: Do It Together!!
    -1/13/2023 10:45:13 AM
    🛒 Punk in this town is dead. Hardcore, post-punk both suck as well.
    -1/11/2023 7:12:53 AM
    Max 400 chars What say you?